Check out our Amazon price tracking browser extension, The Camelizer!
No Recent Prices
In order to help you track the correct price type, we've started hiding price types that have been out of stock for more than 90 days. This can help in two ways:
- You won't create price watches for price types that have been out of stock for an extended period of time and may not ever come back in stock.
- We've noticed a number of people are creating price watches for the Amazon price type when Amazon is not the Buy Box price. 3rd party sellers often have the best price for a product and/or are Prime eligible. In these instances, Amazon may choose to feature the 3rd party price centrally on their product page. Some people mistakenly believe this is the Amazon price type when Amazon may not even be selling this product directly. In these instances, hiding the Amazon price watch creation form will help you choose the price type you really want to track.
If you want to see all price types simply switch your Watchform Mode to Detailed. We only strategically hide price types when you're in the Simple watchform mode as shown below. However, you must have an account and be logged in to have this option.